Monday 3 December 2018

Wow long?!

Hello anybody still here? ...My goodness, it's been a long time since I was!
Kudos to all you bloggers out there who do this every day ...I don't know how you manage it must have some secret that I don't that enables you to stretch the twenty four hours that each day consists of!
Again, I am intending to try and do this on a more regular basis.
I do post daily on Facebook and Instagram so there's no reason why I can't do it here as well is there ...other than having cotton wool for brains and always forgetting.
I have plans to rejig PurpleDreamDesign in the New Year so paying more attention to this blog will be included in those plans.
No pictures today or photographs of recent work ...this was me just popping in to let those of you know, who do follow this neglected blog, that I am still here and I will be getting my proverbial in gear to post more content for you and hopefully it will be interesting :-)
Deb x