Monday, 7 April 2014

Vintage Nirvana

Newark Auto Jumble  -  the title leads you to believe that it’s a jumble sale of vehicle related stuff and indeed it is – but it is also the home of all manner of treasures and finds that belong to yesteryear.
Amongst all the exhausts, engines, nuts, bolts, and tyres there are quite a few hidden gems if you look close enough.
As you can see from my pics, you can find anything here from old computers to cash registers as well as the odd eccentric!

You usually have to elbow some flat capped old boy out the way first mind, they like to hover and lean over the stalls poking everything with their walking sticks whilst muttering “aye lad, I had mesen one a those when I were a lad, tha knows”
Now, an auto jumble is not usually up there on my want to do list on a Sunday but the o.h asked me to go with him – and yes, I know the reason why – a second pair of hands comes in very handy to carry your spoils whilst you’re busy perusing what other stuff you can’t possible live without.
Anyway, I didn’t mind too much, there was plenty for me to look at by way of all the lovely cars that were lined up.

I love old cars, so much individuality and character. They put our modern day boxes on wheels to shame. When I was about 4 or 5 years old, we had a Hillman Imp, I don’t know how a family of 4 managed to squeeze into that little toy car! Then later, when I was about 7 or 8, my father bought a Rover 3.5, oh we thought we were sooo the bees knees riding about in that!

Me and the o.h would love to own a classic car but with the mileage he has to do for work, alas, it is not practical.

We may have to wait until he retires but we will own one eventually – we’ve just got to choose which one. There’s so many I love, we may just have to pick a name out of the hat!

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